How To Configure Gospell GN-1838 8 CHANNEL Encorder


Gospell Encoder Configuration

As we all know most of low budget headends are of Gospell. These headends are widely using by indian MSOs because of its low price range. We will discuss How To Do Gospell Encoder Configuration For GN-1838 8 Channel Encoder and It is very easy to configure these Encoders. Default Username & Password is “admin” “000000“.

Follow the steps to Configure this Encoder ,


Login into Encoder first then go to Device Management TAB then we need to do OFF the MUX STATUS because we are using here SPTS (Single Program Transport Stream).

Gospell Encorder Configuration
Gospell Encoder Configuration GN-1838 8 Channel Encorder


Now we need to go to Output Parameter Tab and then open Output Parameter. Select SPTS (Single Program Transport Stream) and then select UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

As you can see below in image we need to put different multicast for each channel. UDP will be same as shown in image below,

Gospell Encorder GN-1838


Now go to IP Output Parameter and set Encoder Output Bitrate 38000 Kbps or 38 Mbps. As shown in image below,

Gospell Encorder Configuration
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Now go to Program Parameter TAB and then go to Program 1-4 Parameters. Now set your Service names as well as SID (Service ID). Then set service names and SID for Program 5-8 Parameters. As shown in image below,

Gospell Encorder Configuration
Gospell Encoder Configuration GN-1838 ip output parameter


Now we need to set Video Bitrate as much you want. We have given 4 Mbps per channel. As Shown in image below,

 Encorder Configuration

Now you can check your multicast IP Address at output for 8 channels. If you are having any problem then let us know by commenting below the article.

reference : gospell

headend info


  1. D krishnakant says:

    i found this website very useful and i am very happy with all those who r sharing their valuable knowledge and experience .
    thanks a lot.

  2. Adeel Sohail says:

    need default user password of it

    1. Default Username Password For Gospell Encoder is,

  3. shadrach says:

    How do i cnfigure my Gospell GN 1858 Multi channel SD High Efficient Ecoder
    my input is from SDI 720,576 and my net is 3meg

  4. Hardeep says:

    I have configured 1 to 4 channel
    But unable to run 5-8 channel, please help

    if you still have any query then join Headend INFO whatsapp group , send your request on this number
    +91 8239222444

    1. There are two slots available in the encoder at the left hand side:
      program 1-4 parameter
      program 5-8 parameter

      now select : program 5-8 parameter

      to do more configuration select
      channel 5-8 encoder paramter

  5. Surendrachary says:

    Which ip to use starting default ip ex plz send gospel ip open settings

  6. gimmy says:

    wich ip s
    satarting use for open enoder and config

    1. its default management ip will be shown on front panel lcd screen.

      1. gimmy says:

        ip is shwo but not opan web mangment .. when enternet explore http ip wich tcp ip config .and .open encoder config

  7. Inzmam Ansari says:

    what is the default password

    1. admin

      You can also see here Thread Number 13 Headend Info Threads

  8. Kiran says:

    Is there any way to stream rtmp using gospel encoder. I need rtmp output

    1. for technical discussion we have launched a Headend INFO Whatsapp group of industry experts.
      To join send whatsapp request at +91 8239222444

  9. Michael Kimanje says:

    I need help about the default password of Gospell encoder GN-1854 and can i out put the stream on the second data output port

    1. Yah you can get output from that port.
      username : admin
      password : 000000
      you can also get username and password for various devices in Headend INFO Threads
      For More Information you can join Headend INFO Whatsapp group by sending the request at +91 8239222444

  10. bhavesh bhoite says:

    how to configure multiple language for gospell encoder and edge qam

    1. Your satellite receiver gives audio output in two languages like left Audio provides English and right provides Hindi language. Your both audios left and right should be passed from mux. Then cusotomer will select the left or right audio from his remote according to his language required.


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