What Is Wowza Streaming Engine? How It Works & Its Features?

wowza streaming engine

What Is Wowza Streaming Engine & Working ?

Wowza Streaming Engine is a powerful solution for Transrating, Transcoding, Transmuxing and Encryption.

It is used to deliver Apple HLS, MPEG-DASH, Microsoft Smooth Streaming and Adobe HDS streaming etc. So it is used for LIVE Streaming and On Demand Streaming.

It is a software used to install on good configuration hardware for better performance. You can install it on your own purchased machine known as on premises.

wowza streaming engine

As shown above in the figure it can have multiple inputs sources like Encoder, Wowza Gocoder, Audio Input, Video On Demand input source and Live Camera source.

These content goes into the Wowza Streaming Engine for Transrating, Transcoding, Encryption and Transmuxing. Which gives output in various protocols like MSS, HDS, HLS and MPEG DASH.

Its output goes to the subscriber end devices via CDN Ponts. So the content can be played in Laptop, Television, OTT Set TOP Box, Tablet, Smartphone and Gaming Consol.

Wowza Streaming Engine can also record the LIVE Streams into a single file. Which later on can be used for On Demand Content.

It also provides the tool kit for developer for customization. For ultra low latency you can also use Wowza WOWZ Protocol.

Wowza Streaming Engine On Premise ?

Your machine should be having quad core CPU, 8 GB RAM and 1 Gbps NIC. It supports all Operating Systems. You need to have JRE in your server. JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. You should configure it for RAID 0 or RAID 10.

You can install this on your multiple machines too. For which you need not to put individual license for each machine. One License can be activated for various instances.

What Is Wowza Streaming Engine For Cloud ?

wowza streaming engine cloud

You can go for Wowza Cloud System. Where you need not to purchase your own machine. You need to buy its license and install it on your cloud machine. It makes easy to scale it.

Wowza Streaming Engine supports various Cloud Platforms like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud , Rackspace, Alibaba Cloud and AWS Amazon Web Services.

What Is Fast Cloud Encoding ?

What Codecs Does It Support ?

It does support input video codecs like HEVC, AVC, VP8 and VP 9 etc. The supported Input audio codecs are AC-3, AAC, MP3 and AAC-LC etc.

It gives output codecs like AVC, HEVC and VP9 etc. While Audios like AAC-LC and AAC etc.

What Is Security Of Our Content ?

wowza streaming engine security

Wowza Streaming Engine also provides the security of your premium content. By using it you can secure your Streams , Audio Video Content and Network too. It is done by using DRM (Digital Rights Management).

If you want advanced security for your content then you can also go for third party DRMs. These third party DRMs can be Verimatrix, BuyDRM and EZDRM etc.

What Is Wowza Streaming Engine Manager ?

This Wowza Streaming Engine Manager is used to configure and monitor the Wowza Streaming Engine. It is a web based interface which makes more familiar to operator with Wowza Streaming Engine Functions.

So by using this Streaming Engine Manager a operator can control all the functions of Streaming Engine no matter your streaming server is on premises or in cloud system.

Wowza Streaming Engine Is Scalable Or Not ?

It is scalable solution. Because its software support high configuration CPUs. So you can easily upgrade your CPUs for better performance.

Does It Support Load Balancing ?

If you are using multiple instances then you can do the load balancing also. There is load balancing tool also available which you can use to do so.

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What Are Features Of Wowza Streaming Engine ?

(1) It supports large variety of Operating Systems like Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 & 2012 ,Linux and MAC Operating System etc.

(2) It is available in both options On premises and Cloud.

(3) It runs on Medium and High Configuration CPUs both.

(4) It facilitate us for Encryption of content. It uses 128 bit AES Encryption. Also you can integrate other DRM solutions to enhance the security.

(5)  It does support re-streaming of audio streams.

(6) It have its own Wowza CDN also you can go for Akamai and Limelight Networks etc.

(7) It does support wide variety of players like VLC Media Player, Wowza Player, Quick Time Player, JW Player and Adobe Flash Player.

(8) It Does Support Various API (Application Programming Interface) like REST API and JAVA API etc. 

(9) It Does support Closed Captions.

(10 )It does support various free add ons like Load Balancing , GeoIP and stream locking. 

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