What Is KODI ? How KODI Works ? What Are Features Of KODI In Brief ?

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Introduction Of KODI

Streaming Media industry is growing rapidly. There are various projects which are working on OTT Headend and IPTV Headend. The future is in the OTT Headend because it is capturing international market very fastly. So If you are in streaming media industry then you have heard the term KODI.

So today in this article we will cover What Is KODI, Working Of KODI and Features Of KODI etc.

What Is KODI

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KODI is Open Source software used for Streaming of Audio and videos online. XBMC Foundation is working behind the KODI. XBMC represents Xbox Media Center. KODI is used for home entertainment.

If you want to enhance you streaming experience with KODI then you need to install add-ons in KODI Device. So KODI itself didn’t come with content you need to import the content you can stream the online content. Then company is increasing its features time to time.

KODI supports various different platforms like LinuxWindows, Android, iOS, Resberry Pi and even Xbox.

As shown above it is the Custom KODI Box. It is mounted with Resberry Pi. There are screws available in it to mount your Reberry Pi. Its functions you can see easily in photo that it have 1 HDMI port, 1 RJ 45 port and USB Ports etc.

How Does KODI Works ?

KODI App Interface kodi iptv groupme

As we have discussed above KODI supports different platforms. You just need to first download the KODI from its website and then install it in your operating system. It is easy to install in every platform but if you are using iOS 6.0 then you need to Jailbreak it. Because recommend you to have iOS 8.0 or its higher version for installing.

Download KODI App

KODI App is having user friendly GUI. It can be used for your home entertainment. It supports MP3 files, OGG files and AAC files. KODI App also supports formats like H.264 and 3D etc.

If you are watching live tv channels if KODI then you can download the serials and can store in your local drive to watch it later.

The very good function of KODI is that you need to just upload your content via local drive into the KODI it will catalog your content. Then your content will be easily available wherever KODI is installed.

KODI box have more functions than a ordinary Set Top Box. It is complete package of entertainment of your home. It is a bit technical to run.

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KODI Remote Control

kodi remote

If we talk about the KODI Remote then there are various kinds of remote which support KODI. May be you are having remote right now with you which can also support with KODI.

You can also use your smartphone to control the KODI.

Is KODI Legal ?

This is the very common question asked by people. The answer is a BIG “YES”. KODI box or Kodi app itself is legal to use.

You can install various Add-ons which are publicly available. All the thing which you need to keep in mind that you need to install add ons in KODI which are authorized by content provider. If you are installing any unauthorized add ons in KODI then might be get in trouble. It can even affect your KODI box too.

So always keep in mind use only authorized add ons in KODI.

How To Buy Powerful KODI BOX ?

There are many powerful 4K KODI boxes available in the market to install the KODI app. Example is given below you can purchase it BUY NOW 

kodi box

Conclusion Of What Is KODI Or KODI App

KODI is a open source software for online streaming and it is maintained by non profit XBMC foundation. It is easily available to download to install in various different kinds of platforms like Linux, Windows and Android etc. It convert your normal tv into smart tv. There is also a KODI Forum available online for its news, updates and troubleshooting.

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reference : kodi

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