Although there are various multimedia framework tools available from which we can do the video streaming like FFmpeg. We can also do Video Streaming Using VLC Player .
Earlier VLC Project was started as a student project in France. It was started in 1996. Now VideoLAN Organization is supporting this project. Various developers are working for this VLAN project which are part of VLAN Organization. VLAN Organization is Non Profit Organization. VLC is open source project by VLAN.
So now we will learn How To Do Video Streaming Using VLC Player On Local Machine.
Video Streaming Using VLC Player – Playing In Laptop
You need to follow these steps to do Video Streaming Using VLC Player on your Local Machine,
Step 1
First of all as shown above in the Screen Shot, open your VLC Media Player and go to Media menu and click on it then go to Stream… Open stream and a new window will open now. You can directly go to stream… by pressing Ctrl+S short code.
Step 2
In this window add the file which you want to stream and then Press Stream button which is right side down shown in screen shot above.
Step 3
Now Press Next to open next window.
Step 4
In this widow we need to Add HTTP as shown in the screen shot above. So after selecting HTTP press Add button.
Step 5
Now as shown above port is 8080 it will show automatically. Now press Next.
Step 6
Now in the left hand side above De-select the Activate Transcoding. Then in the right side select Video-MPEG-2+MPGA (TS). Then press Next.
Step 7
In this window press Stream.
Step 8
Now you can see above in this screen shot VLC Media Player is streaming your video file. Now We need to see this streaming video. To see this streaming video we need to open one more VLC Media player and leave this streaming vlc media player as it is.
Step 9
Now in this new media player from Media select Open Network Stream…
Step 10
Now in this window a URL Format is shown. You need to follow this URL format http://IP Address : Port Number In your case everything would be same except IP Address. Now you need to find this IP Address for your Machine.
To find this IP Address follow the Steps shown below,
Step 11
Open the Command Prompt in your Machine or Computer by typing CMD in Run Widnow (Windows+R). Now in your command window type the command ipconfig . Then press enter.
Step 12
Now go down and see the IPv4 Address in our case it is .
Step 13
Now type your IP Address which you find in Command Prompt. Then Follow above URL Format. Then press Play.
Final Step – VLC Streaming & Playing in Same Laptop
Now as shown above in the screen shot right hand side VLC player is Streaming the Headend INFO Youtube Channel Video.
while on the Left hand side Streaming video is playing in VLC Media Player In Laptop or Computer.
Video Streaming Using VLC Player – Playing In Smartphone
You can also play this vlc stream in your smartphone the condition is that your smartphone should be connected on the same network. In other words your laptop and smartphone should be connected with same wifi router.
Now start streaming your media file using VLC Media Player in your laptop, by following above mentioned steps from step 1 to step 8.
For playing this stream in your smartphone you need to download the VLC Media Player then follow these step in your smartphone.
Step A
After downloading VLC for Android in your smartphone go to Menu in left upper corner. Open this menu and select OPEN MRL .
Step B
Now a small window will open which will ask for Network MRL . In our case it will be the same URL format as we mentioned in step 10. After typing Network MRL press Enter.
Step C
Now your vlc stream will be playing in your smartphone as shown above in the screen shot Headend INFO Youtube Channel Video is playing.
Conclusion Of Video Streaming Using VLC Player
VLC Media Player is used to play the files, discs, devices and webcams as well as streams too. It is also used for streaming media files. It is freely available on internet. It do not have ads and user tracing as well.
VLC is also used for hardware decoding for various platforms. It supports input media RTP/UDP for Multicast and Unicast, MPEG Encoder, Digital Video Broadcasting for Cable TV, Digital TV and Satellite.
It supports various input formats MP4, MOV, MKV OGG, OGM and FLV etc.
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reference : vlan