Difference Between Bitrate And Baudrate in DVB

Difference Between Bitrate And Baudrate


Bitrate and Baudrate are the two terms which come if we talk about Digital Video Broadcasting. We generally see these two terms if we configure or tune the IRDs and QAM. Baudrate is also known as Symbol Rate.

In this article we will discuss about the difference between Bitrate and baudrate.

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Difference Between Bitrate And Baudrate

Bitrate is known as number of bits transmitted per unit of time or per second. It is measured in bps (bits per second). Thus it can be if thousand bits are transmitting then it can be denoted as Kbps likewise Mbps. Bitrate can not determine that how much bandwidth is required to transmit the signal.


Baudrate is known as number of signals per second or unit of time. It can be also called as how many times the signal stage have changed in the transmission of data. Baudrate can determine requirement of bandwidth for trasmission of signal. Baudrate is measured in symbols per second.

Difference Between Bitrate And Baudrate

As shown above in the figure there are two types of signals as Tribit and Quadbit.In the first signal which is mentioned above in the figure  each symbol contains three bits so it is called the Tribit. While in the second signal which is mentioned below in the figure each symbol contains 4 bits so it is called quadbit.

So in the Tribit signal “s” represents the symbol rate its value is “n” means this signal contains n number of symbols and each symbol contains 3 bits. So its bitrate will be 3n .

While in the Quadbit signal also “s” represents the symbol rate its value is “n” means this signal contains n number of symbols and each symbol contains 4 bits. So its bitrate will be 4n .

bitrate baudrate equation


Can Baudrate and bitrate be equal ?

Yes baudrate and bitrate can be equal if each symbol contains 1 bit only.

bitrate equal to baudrate


Bitrate measures the number of bits transmitted per second while baud rate measures the number of symbols transmitted per second. This is the basic difference between bitrate baudrate. Baudrate is also known as symbol rate which works as tuning parameter.

Know More About      What Is Symbol Rate

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