How To Get Arris D5 QAM Backup Or Download Running Configuration

arris d5 qam backup config

Introduction Of Arris D5 QAM

A QAM is a very essential Digital Headend Equipment.In other words we can say QAM is heart of digital headend.QAm stands for Quadrature Amplitude Modulator.A QAM perform many task like Multiplexing,Modulating and scrambling too.These are mainly three tasks which is performed by a QAM.


Arris D5 QAM is known for its better RF performance.So arris d5 is one of the good QAM in digital headend or cable tv industry.

A QAM is used to multiplex the data and create the Transport Stream,to do the scrambling of services.These services can be TV channels as well as Radio Services.

A QAM have GB input ports and RF output ports.These GB ports may be 2 or 4 that vary from QAM to QAM like Arris D5 QAM have 4 GB input ports.It have many RF ports as output on the cards.Each card have 2 RF output ports.

Need For Arris D5 QAM Backup

As discussed above QAM is heart of digital headend.So time to time it is necessary for a headend engineer to get Arris D5 QAM backup.Because a qam contains all the multicast IP of services,it contains all the transport stream data and scrambling data of services.

If somehow our qam gets fails for any power failure then we need to install new QAM in short period of time.So we can upload our downloaded Arris D5 QAM configuration of previous qam to new one and we can restore our data config.It is also useful in case if we made changes in qam confugration. Then we got the problem in our network.Then also we can restore it.

So we need to get Arris D5 QAM backup per week and also whenever we made the changes in QAM configuration.This is for safety purpose.

Steps To follow Arris D5 QAM Backup

(1) Open the QAM using management IP of QAM.It will look like this,

arris d5 qam summery

(2) Now we need to go to Device Information Tab and click on Running Configuration.

device information d5

(3) It will show currently running configuration of our Arris D5 QAM.

arris d5 running config

How To insert Service In Arris D5 QAM

headend info book download

(4) Now we need to press the Export button to download the currently running configuration.It will save in our local computer.Then save it by giving path.

download arris d5 running configuration

This is all about the how to get Arris D5 QAM Backup.

How To Buy Arris D5 QAM ?

If you want to buy this high density Arris D5 QAM then contact us on +91 8239222444 (Whatsapp Available).

Know More About  What Is ECM EMM In Digital Headend

reference : arris

headend info


  1. Ranadheer says:

    Thanks for the useful information. .

  2. MAHESH says:

    Dear sir,

    I’m working as a headend engineer in chennai, in my office we are using harmonic device like electra encoder prostream mux harmonic edge qam and harmonic nmx, can you share more details about this devices like configurations and working .


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